Escape the Admin Jungle!

A flexible, alternative way to fulfilling your administrative demands, in a cost and time efficient way.

This is where I come in. Hi there! I’m Jenna, and some days it feels like no one hears you drowning under your never-ending to-do list and workload. I get it! You don’t have to feel that way and that’s where myself and my team can step in.

Delegating some of your workload and to-do list to us allows you to truly focus on what you can do best with your business and being able to maintain your entrepreneurial sanity. Let us work together to scale up your business operations! I personally have over 17 years’ experience covering everything from front of house to operations management. If it needs doing, we’ll get it done.

Let’s work together on your business journey, after all you haven’t come all this way just to give in to a mountain of to-do’s and admin.


We understand that it can be daunting to delegate some of your business to a freelancer but let us take it one step at a time by having a discovery call. If we cannot help you immediately, I will always be willing to find a way or a solution. Hence why VAA Solutions offers solutions not services.


Book in a discovery call today! *


*This 30-minute initial call is free.

About Me

Hi, I am Jenna!

I am an expat South African (if you have had the luck of meeting me in person and listening to my now very washed-out accent) and I have been in this cloudy land for nearly 14 years. I miss the sun and heat desperately but for some reason I feel so at home here I tolerate the weather and slushy snow / odd snowflake!

I am wedded to a chap from “The North” and we have a couple of kids, a pup named Penelope who weighs the whole of 4kgs and is ferocious for something that can be eaten by a bird of prey! I know where she gets it from. We are completed (nearly) with the brown picket fence that may or may not be painted white in the coming Summer or the next one.


I am authentic and dedicated to my career and business as a VA, I will always endeavour to find a solution and organise obsessively.

When I am not being kept busy with VAA Solutions and my lovely little family, you will find me with my nose in a novel or in the garden and allotment. There is something so satisfying about growing something you can eat from a tiny seed. I start almost every morning with a cup of good coffee and quiet time – before anyone else is up – for 30 minutes to prepare for my day.  

I am sure there is so many more quirks that make me who I am, but for now I will leave it at this and look forward to working alongside you!


With a range of solutions on offer, here is how we at VAA Solutions can help you to escape the Admin Jungle, maintain your entrepreneurial progress and scale your business. 

We can start on an Ad Hoc Basis, retainer, or bespoke project. The choice is all yours.


Book in a discovery call today!


To be prepared for our call and get the most out for your initial time with us compile all your requirements, timelines, start date and expectations for discussion.

Post call you will receive a proposal outlining the above.

Upon your acceptance of the proposal, all important documents to be signed will be sent through so that we can begin working together timely.

 *This 30-minute initial call is free.
  • Ad Hoc Solutions

    £ 40 p/h

    *Minimum of 2 hours per booking.

  • Monthly Retainer

    £ 35 p/h

    *Minimum of 10 hours p/m.

  • Lifestyle Management

    Helping to manage elements of everyday life.

    Get In Touch to see how we can help you.

  • Bespoke Project / Task

    Do you have a specific project or task you want us to handle for you?

    Get In Touch today and lets see how best to help you with your bespoke projects and tasks.

Contact Us.

Based in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire.

07857 528 460


Market House, 25 Market Square, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1EU